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"Elevator Economics Theory" - A Republican and Christian Theory to Elevate People Out of Poverty!

Daniel J. Hoffman's fight to end poverty and the socialist oppression of the poor!

By: Daniel J. Hoffman

Editor in Chief/Investigative Journalist/Poet/ Catholic Mendicant

Equipping the saints and holy ones has long been a Christian tradition and who were those Saints and Holy Ones but the commoners and the disenfranchised people of the Roman society. When Adam Smith created Capitalism he saw things very much the same way. True Capitalism saw the benefits of using financial capitol to assist human capitol in achieving self dependency by investing in Ideas and Innovation, spurring healthy competition, and improving the economic conditions for all people. Adam Smith saw that the people working in the factories that were being exploited at the time were actually the ones who had the best ideas to improve that business's bottom line by streamlining processes, improving working conditions, sharing profits and improving products. This real type of Capitalism encouraged factory owners to listen to these ideas and promote people accordingly or risk that person going to a private investor and starting his own company. Likewise, Republicanism was started to stop the spread of the Slave interest, quite literally was a direct challenge to the Southern Democrat Aristocrat Slave owners who created a society in the southern states that was oppressive on all poor and minorities. If any man or woman supports slavery in any form they are not only not a Republican, they cannot claim to be a follower of Jesus. "Elevator Economics Theory" is not much different it seeks to emancipate people from socio-economic slavery and government dependency by utilizing technology to equip people for occupations of their choosing in the fastest most effective way possible. It this reason that "Free Labor' is on our U.S. Constitution it is interpreted as the right to choose one's own occupation.

"Elevator Economics Theory" is a Republican and Christion economic principle designed by, well, me, Daniel J. Hoffman. I am a former Business Technology Market Expert and writer on Business dot Com and have worked with some of the greatest entrepreneurs in the county. I also served our country for two years in the Corporation for National and Community Service as an AmeriCorps Vista working in disenfranchised neighborhoods to meet community needs. But, after having a major heart attack and surgery, I went into a deep depression. Soon after, I heard a call from God that said follow me. I packed a back pack and traveled the country for over four years now as a homeless man ministering to the poor. I would say this lived experience makes me an expert in homelessness and I testified to this at the Oregon 2020 February Legislative Sessions where I testified against Socialist and Marxist policies that were essentially enslaving the poor in Oregon.

First, let's talk about the opposition, all the behaviorists, socialists and Post-moderns, basically the progressive elitists and anti-Christian people in the Democrat Party. They spend incredible amounts of money making sure that people believe that the poor, disenfranchised and disabled are all incapable of Self dependency. Their Welfare and Housing Programs are all designed to keep people trapped in poverty, they literally look at and manage the poor like livestock. The statistics are undeniable, the Democrat Programs show no significant rates of elevating people out of poverty and this is by design. Government dependency means BIG money, i.e. YOUR tax dollars, trillions and trillions of dollars are going to sustain, grow and create new bureaucracies and non-profits in the name of the poor without actually doing anything but managing the poor, and they have their university systems to back them up. The Progressive's society is designed with socio-economic class segregation as a policy and backed by a draconian Eugenic philosophy that wants to purify the human race. There really is not much difference in their programs and Hitler's programs in pre-war Nazi-Germany (btw, also funded by the Democrat Party and their clients). I've lived on the streets and participated in almost every program type and shelter system, trust me, this is the agenda.

Now, the problem is that the Republican Party and most Christians have also been trained in these universities and have inadvertently, by the use of psychological techniques designed by Nazi Germany, perfected in the Cold war and now have been incorporated into the lesson plans of most Universities that teach political theory and public administration, to confuse good people with bad ideology, that really has it's roots in Social Darwinism theory also supported by the Democrat Party during the 1850's.

Ok, now that we understand the problem, here is the solution, Entrepreneurism! The progressive agenda wants to dominate every pathway into economic security. They control the colleges and universities, the housing, the banks, the credit agencies and the media, almost every industry has been taken over by this Progressive doctrine of Elitism that states, to use a general term, "do it our way and consume or be our slave in Welfare". This is why they continue to desolate small and medium sized businesses, anyone who can figure a way to self-dependency outside their system is a target and considered an enemy of the Democrat Party unless they play ball and compromise. I know, I have been on their targeted person list for two years now. This shouldn't scare us though, fear is their weapon, faith is ours! Now is the time more than ever to unite Christianity and the Republican Party around Entrepreneurism. We cannot rely on banks for lending we need every good Christian who has the resources to become private investors in new Christian ideas and companies. We have to create more opportunities for people to gain Self Dependency before the whole country is dependent on the Government, it's programs and it's partners. It's time to come out and be separate, we need Christian investors, Christian Entrepreneurs, Christian Customers and Christian Clients, we need to start a Christian Economy that is not attached to the Secular Progressive Agenda.

So how can someone run a business without education? Easy. My experience ministering to the poor has shown me that most people already have a discernable skill or talent by the time they reach adulthood, even more have great ideas generated from their work and lived experience. Almost all of these skills can be monetized and used to create a thriving small business, they might not become wealthy but they will certainly be able to create a sustainable profit doing something they love with Freedom and a higher quality of life NOT on government subsidies.

The internet is a key component to this strategy, more specifically the great technology products and apps that make running a business easy and affordable to grow. Most of these apps have a no cost or low cost starter option. Need a website? It's free and relatively easy to create with drag and drop technology, all the email and marketing tools come with it and you can always upgrade as your business grows (the OR News Network is using WIX dot Com just for this reason). Almost every area of business can now be automated by these great apps and integrated together into a solid Business strategy. Everything from book keeping, payroll, time cards, POS systems, credit card payments, anything you need to run a business there is an easy to use app that will free your time so you can concentrate on deliverables. These companies have great resources like video tutorials and blogs to help people learn how to use it. This is what our Republican Politicians need to do, start partnering with these companies and equipping people to be their own small and medium sized business owners.

As for the poor, I am suggesting our shelter system is completely broken, we should be designing these shelters around occupational interests and equipping people to be self sustainable in their skill set. Are you a skilled trades man or woman, here's a shelter for you. Are you an Artist or musician, here is a shelter for you. Do you have the work experience to coach others in a skill, well here's a shelter for you. The Democrat Progressive's current strategy is to keep people on the streets until either they develop a co-occurring disorder and then use their Medicaid insurance to pay rent to the politician's clients or force them into the shelter system and then into Housing First where they will spend the rest of their lives trapped in poverty with government assistance.

From my investigations on the streets of Portland it appears the Democrat Leftist majority is responsible and benefiting from the sale of illicit street drugs to fund organizations like ANTIFA, which are supported by the local Portland City and Multnomah County leadership, We have to superseded and circumnavigate this secular progressive system that we have all bought into. It's bankrupting our country by design, like pre-war Nazi Germany, if America continues down this path it will lead to military expansionism and war. Nothing any follower of Jesus wants to see or participate in. We are a country of Entrepreneurs, America was built on innovation and ideas and it's time we take the country back, "Elevator Economics Theory" is how we do it!

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